

Grants are provided through in connection with leading publishing houses and scientific journals such as Scopus and Web of Science.

Annual Rozao conferences are held with the support of scientific journals:

1. JAMA – Journal of The American Medical Association

JAMA has been published continuously since 1883 and is an international, peer-reviewed general medical journal. JAMA is a member of the JAMA Network, a consortium of peer-reviewed, general medical and specialty publications. JAMA is the most widely distributed medical journal in the world, with over 1.8 million e-readers. The journal publishes a wide variety of articles on medical topics: original research, clinical studies, individual patient cases, meta-analyses, essays, as well as literary texts, including medical poetry.

2. Nature Machine Intelligence

Nature Machine Intelligence is a scientific journal dedicated to machine learning and artificial intelligence. It was created by Nature Research in response to the explosive growth of machine learning in the 2010s. The journal was launched in January 2019, and its opening was accompanied by controversy and boycotts in the scientific community due to objections to the publication of the journal Nature in closed access.

Journal website:

3. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics

The BiomedicalIEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI) publishes original articles describing the latest advances in biomedical informatics. Articles are published in which IT intersects with health, healthcare, life sciences and biomedicine. Articles should contain an original description of theoretical analysis, methods, technical developments and/or new software and information systems.

Journal website:

4. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine covers software systems and describes their implementation in all aspects of biomedical research and medical practice. The journal is intended for biochemists, biologists, geneticists, immunologists, neurobiologists, psychiatrists, chemists, programmers, system analysts, MIS users and other specialists.

Journal website:

5. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine publishes original articles on the theory and practice of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine, human biology, and healthcare. The journal is aimed at projects that are aimed at supporting medical decisions, working with medical data and improving the performance of medical care providers. Services.

Journal website:

6. IEEE Spectrum

IEEE Spectrum is a monthly journal published by the IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The magazine is dedicated to the development, application and consequences of the introduction of new technologies, and also serves as a platform for discussing news in these areas.

The subject matter of the journal covers a wide range of technical problems and achievements of computer technology, communications and electronics. As in standard journals, IEEE Spectrum articles are attempted to be accessible to non-specialists, although it is assumed that readers have an engineering education. The materials of the journal are authoritative and often cited by other publications. There is a separate section called “Artificial Intelligence”.

Journal website:

7. Techxplore

Tech Xplore is the news resource of Science X, the leading science, research and technology news service on the web. Science X publishes nearly 200 quality articles every day, offering some of the most comprehensive content on science and technology developments worldwide. Tech Xplore is dedicated to innovations, robotics, new gadgets, and IT business. There is a separate section called “Machine Learning and AI”.

Journal website:

8. TechCrunch

TechCrunch is dedicated directly to the “world of startups”: funding news, mergers and acquisitions, new app launches, and much more. TechCrunch follows everything that happens in the world of technology and provides information in an easy-to-read format. They also have a ton of podcasts on different topics.

Journal website:

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